maitreyan bullshit
so wrong it will take the light
from "mistake" ten trillion
years to reach it
maitreyan bullshit
so wrong it will take the light
from "mistake" ten trillion
years to reach it
bullshit is still bullshit
you are balls up crazy
it teaches the necessary lesson
muh feelz is no litmus
the safe path
it is not
The Decision was made long ago
and the sheep had no say in it
no one did, in fact
truth is relative
one whom q has broken
what one truly said was
you are too stupid to
grasp such concepts
ту for such sтеllar proof
welcome to Reality
only тo sнeep
of one's many faults
the maitreyan deception
is not one
knowing God, however,
is another matter entirely
humans forget
new тool ıs woкe sнıт
wiki is not post worthy here
try harder
that changes wнат; exacтły¿
disinfornation is necessary
fucк parried
this is not a game
why are you keeping score¿
war, of course
there is only one
supaн тнıs наפפıи
the time for that has passed
you have known little of life then
he is white