Harvested alive -10 years investigation of Force Organ Harvesting in China
As a doctor, Zhiyuan Wang spent 30 years studying how to save lives. He never imagined that he would spend another 10 years investigating how Chinese doctors take innocent lives.
95% of his evidence comes directly from China. His sources are Chinese doctors, judges, legislators, military officials, government officials, the media, and hospital websites. His research reveals an inconceivable truth – China’s hospitals, judiciary, and military worked together under the authority of the previous Chinese president Jiang Zemin to mercilessly slaughter a large number of Falun Gong practitioners through the harvesting of their organs.
Today in a time of peace, it is difficult for people to believe that such a large-scale massacre has been silently taking place in China. But the truth shows that this frenzied killing machine, driven by huge profits, is still running rampant in society.
FACT & TRUTH: CHINA IS THE WORLD CAPITOL OF ORGAN HARVESTING AND GENOCIDE IN OUR MODERN TIME. CHINA IS THE NEW NAZI GERMANY. The rest of the world does not care and World Governments and World Organizations like the W.H.O., United Nations, European Union, and B.R.I.C.S. do not care about addressing this Evil.
2 Week Waiting List in China for an Organ Harvested Alive.
FASTEST CASE in China was 4 HOURS in China.
2 Years Waiting List in the U.S.A. for an Organ Transplant.
The Chinese CCP ORGAN HARVESTING: Un-prosecuted Crimes and Sins, & EVIL that the rest of the world love to cover-up and not address because of the EVIL INFLUENCES of these EVIL COMMUNIST and others who have allied with the EVIL REGIME OF CHINA. ANYONE, ANY NATION who ALLIES with CHINA are associating themselves with EVIL.
Condemning the Chinese Communist Party Is Not Enough
Forced Organ Harvesting: American Organ Transplant Collaboration with China Despite Damning Evidence
The ugly truth about China's organ harvesting
Forced Organ Harvesting and Torture in China
Ending Western Complicity in China's Forced Organ Harvesting
Organ Harvesting in China: Hard to Believe, but It's Happening
Organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China
WHO promotes China's organ transplant program, despite allegations
CCP ORGAN HARVESTING - Connecting the Dots
China Organ Harvesting Policies Continue To Shock The World
NOTE: If you don't like this TRUTH and have sided with a certain ideology and a certain Nation who Allies with CHINA & THE CHINESE C.C.P. I care not about your precious emotional opinions. I care about the TRUTH. The TRUTH IS…The Chinese Communist are EVIL and their Leader Xi Jingping, and all before him were EVIL. ALL NATIONS who have allied with the CHINESE C.C.P. are also EVIL.
IF you chose to live a Delusional Reality and deny yourself of this TRUTH please seek professional mental health help. TRUTH is all you should be concerned with and not a Delusional Dis-ordered Reality where POSITIVITY mask the Truth and the Pain of the REAL REALITY to which we all live in worldwide.
Do your own research.