Motley Crue - Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go)
Mar 23, 2009
Motley Crue - Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go)
Mar 23, 2009
this vid cracks me up whether it is true or not
ivermechtin, hydroxychloroquine, quercetin are zinc ionophores which basically means they make it easier for zinc to move into your cells
zinc in cells denies viruses
if you have zinc in your cells now less chance of covid
if you lack zinc then viruses can move in
if viruses have moved in then use a zinc ionophore and zinc to help protect blood cells?
will cain caught a bad case of covid over his vacation he mentions in his last podcast fyi
he is on fox and has a podcast
8/3/2022 7:53 AM
fake artist like em and beyonce be like 'you are wrong for saying that'
i be like 'since when, since [you] sold out?'
swamp casting illusions over the People to help them sleep
you want to live in the Real World or eat fake steak; choice is the problem
Youngsters afraid of discipline like i am but i learned discipline makes Life better, ask me how i know
nobody is perfect and some of my fav moments is slacking off falling asleep on movies all day kek
but then i have to make up for it to catch my tail
there is the choice, there is the discipline
i could say 'f it, let it fall and spoil'
or i can start where i left off and keep going toward my goals
what's true for me is true for Youngsters
listening is the easy way, if you don't listen you might learn the hard way; ask me how i know
if the Citizens maintain discipline how could swamp ever be voted in?
how many Citizens know all the names on their ballot?
shouldn't they know B4 they vote?
how to know which is swamp w/o research?
Normies be like 'i watch the commercials' kek
also, how can pence pick beat Trump pick based on the crowd size alone?
is pence stealing this?
did he help steal the last 1?
is there evidence the last election was stolen?
what will fake news/fake leaders say?
jus asking; can't i ask Questions in America?
'think mirror' Normies/Newbies
based on tonight i believe WE are 1/2 way there mayb a bit further
tired and moar tired for the long-haul researchers drinking covfefe late into Night Shifts across the World; thank you God for researchers getting info/news out to the People
will fake news do it?
why not?
who will get Truth to the People if fake leaders lie and lie?
thank you Anons
Wendy Rogers
Faux News and the #DeepState shills over there are barely talking about the AZ #FullBlownMAGA win. They donโt want the narrative to be that American Nationalism is on the rise & weโre winning everywhere. Theyโre also covering for the steal. Weโll kick the foreign controllers out!
Guns N' Roses. November Rain (432 Hz)
Feb 15, 2017
Wendy Rogers
So how many Soros and Zuckerberg teams flew in to help the #DeepState steal our election from Kari Lake??? COUNT THE VOTES NOW AND POST HOUR BY HOUR NUMBER DROPS!