I saw the video. Kek!
What's with the cuck beard he's sporting these days?
That's why they put up a firewall so that the machines couldn't flip the votes.
I think you are the one who doesn't understand.
Tsarion - Toxic Mysandry
Jennifer is on now!!!😮
Planefags get all the chicks.
you're doin' great. You'll eventually convince us to disregard ALL q posts if you stick with it.
Feel-good tweet of the day
Mo fucked up
The large Hadron Collider in the world’s largest particle physics laboratory– CERN – is in Switzerland. It has been established under the ground.
Half of the luxury watches produced in the world come from Switzerland. Brands like Tissot, TAG Heuer, Rolex, Patek Philippe, and Longines are all Swiss. Hence there are clock fags here all the time
Switzerland has enough underground bunker capacity that it can hide its entire population in case of a nuclear war.
23% of Switzerland’s total population of almost 8 million consists of foreigners.
It is funny to note that there are more banks in the Switzerland than dentists.
Since 1815, Switzerland has not been involved in any military conflict. It has strong relations with its neighboring countries and is also a part of some international and UN organizations.
Switzerland is one of the two countries in the world to have a square flag. The other is Vatican City.
The very first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Jean Henri Dunant, a Swiss, in 1901. He is the founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross.
The famous equation E=MC2 was devised by Albert Einstein in 1905, while he was in Switzerland.
Charlie Chaplin spent the last 25 years of his life in Switzerland.
The world’s largest nuclear shelter, the Sonnenberg Tunnel, is in Switzerland. It can house up to 20,000 individuals for an extended period of time during a nuclear emergency.
Switzerland’s defense is well prepared for the event of an attack. It has already deployed technology to block access via roads, bridges, and railways across 3000 locations.
The World Wide Web was invented by Tim Berners Lee in Switzerland in 1989.
The smallest vineyard under the ownership of Dalai Lama is located in Switzerland.
Italians are the largest foreign community in Switzerland, followed by German, Portuguese and French communities.
The majority of the highest peaks, 48 out of the 82, that are higher than 4000 m are in Switzerland, and the remaining are also within 20 kilometers of the Swiss border. [Is it relevant that tolerance to high altitudes related to a specific blood type]
Not Jewish.
Of course that little nugget of truth is incompatible with your bullshit division narrative, so now would probably be a great time to call me rabbi.
Then needlessly suffer with the DNS issues, retard.
Lou Dobbs
"Liberal World Order:" A World Food Crisis is coming, and Biden's National Security Team allows the CCP to buy American farmland:
Chinese company's purchase of North Dakota farmland raises national security concerns in Washington
Chinese purchase of North Dakota farmland raises national security concerns in Washington
The purchase of 300 acres of bucolic farmland in North Dakota is raising national security concerns over the buyer: Chinese food ingredient maker Fufeng Group.
7:51 AM · Jul 2, 2022·Twitter Web App
Meets the population reduction goals of his cult
Get up and slave labor, forget having a life bishes. The cult needs those infant bits and pieces
For the Musk fanbois, hope this drives it home.