Anonymous ID: 9a2362 Aug. 4, 2022, 12:21 p.m. No.17025812   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5949

Where ever power and money are- evil follows. Why cant ppl just work foir good? Read the sad tale of charity gone under.


Elizabeth Graham, head of Texas Right to Life, took one final act before resigning as head of the organization that she, and husband Jim Graham, have run for more than 20 years. Her last act was to notify over 150 of the top donors to the organization that she no longer has confidence in the direction and staff of the imploding non-profit.


This letter, obtained exclusively by Current Revolt, reflects that Graham is dropping a pending suit she and several of TRLโ€™s top donors filed against board members who planned a coup against both herself and Jim Graham. The letter reflects her sincere desire to continue to lead the organization post Roe, however, even with Rich DeOtteโ€™s removal from the organization, the staff and situation at TRL has become incurable. That fact seems to be verified by the actions Emily Cook, general counsel to Texas Right to Life, attempted to take against Current Revolt a few days ago.