let's make the world classy again, while we're at it
The twilight of the liberal world order
Robert Kagan Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Robert Kagan(ovitch), husband of Victoria Nuland (Nudelman) is one the foremost Neo Conservative ideologues
Fkkn saved.
yeah, wheelchair is in with ROTH
what a surprise /s//
"You've been a BAD boy [NP]."
its a joke. i don't get it/
much worse things on hunters laptop
is that supposed to be Pocahontas?
Did Q name the owl file "Guardian_P?
what is the COUNCIL FOR INCLUSIVE CAP[ITALISM with the Vatican?
They call themselves Guardians and the Pope is their "Spiritual" Leader
Adaptation is the sharpest tool on any battlefield. How it applies to this will change the landscape of the upcoming battles.
Didn't get on the piss with them either.
He is concerned that the violent thugs, the demoncrats troops, terrorizing the people will soon be on the receiving end, and their reign of violence will come to an end.
Yes. Francis Bacon - Filter Forge.
Jane Roe a.k.a. Norma Leah Nelson McCorvey
September 22, 1947 – February 18, 2017
I can’t tell you anons much about McCorvey however I can tell you an interesting tidbit about her attorney, Sarah Ragle Weddington whom served in the Carter administration, was the first Woman general Counsel for the Dept of Agriculture and here’s the kicker had many correspondence with Edmund Nichols during that post.
Nichols is an interesting fellow and just so happens to be the Father of Kelly Jones who was a radical PETA activist and get this, ex-wife of Alex Jones
Here are my notes on Nichols:
Edmund Lowe Nichols (SES/China/Japan/Rome/NATO)
-Assistant Texas Commissioner of Agriculture for governmental affairs and administration.
“instrumental in launching the Texas Agricultural Products (TAP) export marketing program”
-traveled to Japan and Europe to open markets for such high quality Texas products as Ruby Red grapefruit and beef products.
-TAP delegations to other states, hosting the first “Taste of Texas” events to promote high value foods produced and manufactured in Texas.”
-1977, Nichols was appointed Assistant Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, D. C.
-joined the Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA)
(https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_Agricultural_Service) )
-served on the President’s Export Policy Task Force where he was named by President Jimmy Carter as a charter member of the U.S. Senior Executive Service
-worked with Congressman Bob Poage, chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, to pass the U.S. Agricultural Trade Act of 1978 (amended the 1966 Food for peace act)
-1979, Nichols was appointed U.S. Agricultural Counselor to Italy, assigned to the American Embassy in Rome, and was later commissioned by President Ronald Reagan to the rank of Minister-Counselor in the U.S. Senior Foreign Service.
-Agricultural Counselor to Denmark and Norway and twice as Agricultural Counselor to Spain
-1982, he was decorated by the President of Italy as Commendatore (knight commander and is the highest decree awarded by the President of Italy) of the Italian Republic
-served as Agricultural Minister-Counselor to the U.S. Mission to the European Communities in Brussels (the EU) from 1989 to 1992.
-chairman of the NATO Food and Agriculture Planning Committee
-Japan-Texas Association Conference
-Of particular note is his correspondence with Sarah Ragle Weddington(the lawyer who represented Jane Roe in Roe V. Wade)
-Reddington was In the Carter Administration(1979-1981)
-first woman General Counsel for the US Department of Agriculture.
Archive: https://archive.ph/WiBUT
If you all knew the whole story, you would be awe for reason of what happened in the past and for reason what's not happening right now due to continued ignorance of my condition by the people that run this show, straight into hell is my nightmare of a life, but just wait there is more…a girl I knew…crazy madness house for me in this life!!!
If you all knew the whole story, you would be awe for reason of what happened in the past and for reason what's not happening right now due to continued ignorance of my condition by the people that run this show, straight into hell is my nightmare of a life, but just wait there is more…a girl I knew…crazy madness house for me in this life!!!
If you all knew the whole story, you would be awe for reason of what happened in the past and for reason what's not happening right now due to continued ignorance of my condition by the people that run this show, straight into hell is my nightmare of a life, but just wait there is more…a girl I knew…crazy madness house for me in this life!!!