Saw one of these signs today.
About 10 yards up the road there had to be 20-30 duck carcasses on the side of the road.
Somebody must have nailed the whole flock.
Saw one of these signs today.
About 10 yards up the road there had to be 20-30 duck carcasses on the side of the road.
Somebody must have nailed the whole flock.
notetaker notes at 500
final at 650
Not turning in the guns, we need em to buy gas now.
Notes passing 400
All yours Baker
"Many of whom did nothing wrong"
It's time
The people dumb enough to buy your circular logic are not on this board.
As such you'll have to come up with a better theory to have your posts achieve their intent.
I person who has as their intent: we should be free, others should be free is not operating from the same logic or intent as a person deciding they must maintain their own freedom by enslaving or destroying others.
ALL motive forces, must find their balance, their counterweight. That can be SELF imposed, or external.
A person deciding their people should be free, and so should others (each in their own space), is recognising and providing a counterweight, a balance, to their first impulse (my people should be free).
A person who does not provide their own counterweight (I shall rule others so that my people shall be free), leaves it to nature to provide the counterweight/counterbalance.
IE OTHER PEOPLE'S resisting their own enslavement & destruction at the hands of a foreign group.
All forces meet countervailing force. And in the end, the universe being the universe, countervailing forces win. You can see this via nothing being permanent but God and the universe itself (their existence).
Perhaps the Aryan has moved a little ahead of the Jew in this regard.
His inspiration is nature, balance, honour. It is what he is named for.
One operates from a negative position (fear, hate, anger, envy, greed), the other aims for motivation via virtues.
Harmony and balance and virtues.
So thanking you, the two approaches are not the same, but I can see how it would appear so to one of the sect negatively motivated.
As they see all virtue as ruse.
lol… something like that yeh
but hey.. being the youngest has its perks
im also the one who turned 2/3 of my family to red-pill but yeah…
whatever the fuck you said
So are you the top or the bottom of the team?