Photo crap again. You would not have those photos unless you took them from a flat immovable Earth. Scientific proof is above, but you ignore that and post pictures. LOL
You are obviously no expert and leave out Hebrew roots and the BOOK OF ENOCH. You mislead to your narrative and do cherry pick attacks as your proof that you likely got on the internet from those trying to hide the truth.
How do you explain Moses on top of the mountain before he dies where God let him look at all of the land promised?
How do you explain Satan taking Jeshua up to the mountain to look out over the whole world in your "satanic sphere model?
Not possible with "sphere curvature ~7-8" per mile."
How do you explain GOD'S WORD
The earth is fixed immovable?
1Chronicles 16:30
Psalms 93:1
Psalms 96:10
Psalms 104:5
Isaiah 45:18
No rotation, no spinning 1000 mph and no speeding through the universe @ 670,000,000 mph. LOL
That's bullshit crap. You only come here to post shit that's already been addressed above, and you use empty void stupidity to do it, over and over again. So why are you here? Where's just one response to the valid arguments and scientific proof presented here?
Oh, THAT'S right. You have none.
You ignore both GOD and true science. In fact, you rebuke GOD!! To follow the pagan sun worshipping model, started by Copernicus. That's how dumb you are without research.
So, You follow lies, and/or you are a CIA & ASSOCIATES CLOWN SHILL.
Only two possibilities. Circle jerk.