>>2505548 plasma - know THAT one? and how about Schuler tuning for gyroscopes and HOW the meter has been connected to c light…
atomists don't sea
>>2505548 plasma - know THAT one? and how about Schuler tuning for gyroscopes and HOW the meter has been connected to c light…
atomists don't sea
>>2513433 wow this has spiraled quickly :)
sum fag explain WHAT is wrong with Schuler Tuning please. Mathematically - screw your math'majic' .
seriously tards; words earth; what would Orca say if you could sea?
and don't get Lorax Hegelian with me: I AM double-speak.
Q Trivium : Define anarchy?
>>2514493 plasma physics : sono-luminescence - star-in-a-jar, what part of that don't atomists choose to comprehend? and i'm Knot euclidean ;) F60 300 1500
'cause we COUNT backwards - JUST say'n
>>2514629 f off Louise Cypher - oFF-spring-bot.
answer this: do you believe it is symbiotic to slaughter sentient beings for taste alone?
>>2514590 D45 Grandfather done GOOD :)
>>2514862 yes - like Bone-Broth-Jones ; we're popcorn pressure-relief valves. 'cause Tweaking is more forceful than tards twerking at 1ATM / 33
>>2514835 more like mutton-puppy-its - seen Earthling - the skinning-live-dog scene? it JUST ain't kosher in tHIS UNI-verse. MAN needs to get with da Plan - quickly kNOW ; ;; ;;;
>>2515176 now now, know it's rather tenacious : you go tell it yourself over at https://www.louisecypher.com/ - and tell us all how you got on.