I've read those comments before, they were on my posts. Void of any meaningful argument, but a shining example of mind control and indoctrination by satanic forces.
Just as it is clear our "liberal" pushing education system and so-called higher educational universities were created and funded by Illuminati Roth $ in the 1800s (pushing to remove God, ruin our society & replace it with socialism) the same goals work hand in hand with so-called religious "committees" and "councils" full of Masons and morons who think they can DEFINE AND LIMIT GOD to God's own children.
It's been a pathetic time.
Since when do men get to decide what God says? Vote to remove CENSOR GOD'S WORD because it works against their agenda OF CONTROL?
So, I will go where God takes me for his knowledge, and not be controlled by the lies of men.
Book of Enoch does not contradict God's word one bit, and further, his message does not contradict history or science. How could it? He was with God, even Genesis says that. 7th from Adam, declared so righteous, like Eliyah, both who did not die, both who God took him up with him, as it says in "accepted" scriptures, but you want to call God the liar. Lol.
Enoch spent 6 months with the watchers, and made writings with Angels for a future generation, all the while he was in direct communication with GOD. There's fragments in the dead Sea scrolls, words in Genesis, Moses talks of him, and Jude, Jesus's own brother, and Book of Enoch was part of the scriptures Jesus Christ read, but you want to call God the liar.
My guess is you haven't even asked God, you automatically, like a mindless indoctrinated puppet, stand with the sorry ass lying committees of men.
So, presently, you stand out to me like an idiot slave boy with blinders on.