I assure you I'm not a shill, kek. Taking pics like this doesn't necessarily prove the earth is a globe, though if you knew the methods used for capturing some of these pictures and you actually did your research into astrophotography, you would realize that many of the pictures cannot be taken on a FE. I won't do that research for you, however. if you are a real anon, and not a shill, I trust you will research that. I'll give you some hints to Goog: long-exposure field rotation, alt-az vs eq mount, eq mount polar alignment.
Pics related are my various set-ups for some of my pics, including for the lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse.
What all my pictures really prove is that the flat earthers really have not done any significant scientific observation of their own. 'All' of these pictures I took with commercially available equipment that 'ANYONE' can buy, and I did it from my front yard or the nearby park, which last time I checked was on Earth. I see claims like "space is fake" and "the planets are just wantering stars" and other 'EASILY VERIFIABLE' stuff like that.
My aim is to show that these things are real, NASA hasn't lied abount 'everything', and to claim they have is stupid when you can verify it for yourself. There are 1000s of amateur astronomers around the globe, all using the same methods and equipment, producing extrordinary data and images from Earth-based observations. If NASA was lying about the planets and well known and photographed celestial objects like those I have imaged, it would be well known by the amateur astronomy community. Are we all comp'd? Gimmie a break.
LOL ok. It's impossible and yet Millions saw it with their own eyes.
I would suggest that next time there is an eclipse, solar or lunar, get out of mom's basement and check it out for yourself with a telescope, or at the very least some binoculars. You can get a basic scope for around $100, binos for even less. A solar filter to view the sun is a bit more, of course.
You can choose to believe I'm a shill or not, but my pictures are real and verifiable. I'm not covering up or hiding anything.
Most of my equipment has been purchased from here: https://www.telescope.com/
A few things I have gotten from other outlets, including Amazon.
This is an excellent beginner's kit for $119.99: https://www.telescope.com/Telescopes/Refractor-Telescopes/Refractor-Telescopes-with-Altazimuth-Mounts/Orion-Observer-II-70mm-Altazimuth-Refractor-Telescope-Kit/pc/1/c/10/sc/334/p/118207.uts
Also a nice Binocular set for $129.99: https://www.telescope.com/Orion/Binoculars/Binocular-Kits/Orion-Scenix-10x50-Binocular-Solar-Kit/rc/2160/pc/-1/c/5/sc/1785/p/116842.uts
Why are you scared to check these things out for yourself?