Why call your own brothers and sisters flattards and basement dwellers, especially with obvious fabrications, lies, and gaps between what we're told and what we see? Not in the spirit of our movement and a huge red flag imo - at the very least it displays you yourself having an implicit bias.
I've tried looking at rocket footage - nothing. I've tried looking at satellite photos of the earth - nothing. I've tried looking at the moon missions - nothing. Your videos and photos prove nothing. According to you, the methodology proves it but unfortunately all that research has yielded zero results. It defies logic.
I didn't believe in FE, looked it up myself, and I have more questions than when I started.
GPS tracking data over southern hemisphere suddenly stops working? Antarctica guarded by all nations, where coincidentally the sun doesn't drop below the horizon? NASA moon mission telemetry data GONE? MISSING? DELETED? Original footage? Fabricated Mars photos? Fabricated earth photos? Antarctic Nazi bases? Why haven't we heard about those? Operation high jump? Cameras capturing footage that cannot be possible on a globe earth? No pictures of Earth in its totality? There's more and more and it doesn't stop.
Like I said, the subject is complex, in nature difficult to prove, shrouded in lies and conspiracy, with no convincing results put forth - but we're "flattards" and basement dwellers for saying things don't add up? I'm not ruling out a globe earth or flat earth or any kind of shape - no one really knows the true nature of our universe except for God and to preach like you or anyone does is unbridled ignorance, vanity, and stupidity.
> I haven't studied this, but it sounds interesting. not sure what you're trying to prove, though.
He's saying that the moon is not reflecting the sun's light, it's emitting a light of its own.