Part 1
The President now has the power, under secret arrangements already established, to seize total dictatorial control. Can he hold such power and not use it? If he has no intention of asserting this secret power, why did the White House go to the trouble of setting it up?
Unknown to virtually all Americans except for the tiny handful who make up his administration’s inner circle. Jimmy Carter promulgated a secret program to suspend the Constitution and to clamp executive dictatorship on the nation whenever, in his judgment, conditions warrant the declaration of “national emergency.”
A young policy analyst who helped draft the original directives have described the new program as a White House stratagem to replace the American Constitutional structure with a so-called “command system” in which you will be subject to total bureaucratic control.
The years since the inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933 have been a history of relentless bureaucratic encroachment on the rights of American citizens, the sources acknowledge.
Yet these people, who are familiar with Carter’s design, described the new plan as,
“the most dangerous internal attack on our system since independence.”
It is a,
“quiet coup d’etat that will end up making the Soviet Union look mild and permissive by comparison,” they said.
A major White House directive, known as Presidential Review Memorandum 32 (PRM 32), inaugurated the new order last year as a “national administrative reorganization project” allegedly designed to help the country deal more effectively with disasters and mass emergencies. In a sharp break with tradition, PRM 32 has been hidden from the public under a high level of security classification.
It has never been published in full, even in the “Federal Register.”
Since the Roosevelt era, “executive orders” (EOs) presidential decrees which acquire the force of law have been utilized by the mushrooming bureaucracy to extend its control. The most pervasive and therefore potentially the most damaging executive order prior to 1977 was promulgated by President Richard M. Nixon on October 28, 1969.
Known as EO 11490, the so-called “omnibus” emergency preparedness decree, it incorporated 23 earlier EOs into a so-called “umbrella ukase” granting the national bureaucracy wide powers, in civil or military “crisis conditions,” to literally seize the entire country and every man, woman and child in it.