Anonymous ID: 6579b2 Aug. 7, 2022, 8:37 a.m. No.17139354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9383 >>9456










tyb. Some good reading material.


Justice Thomas Wants to End Media’s Ability ‘to Cast False Aspersions on Public Figures’


The Left is a big club, and you’re not in it. Leftists play a game that works this way: the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), one of their primary attack machines, publishes a report purporting to demonstrate that some conservative group or other is a “hate group.” This allegedly objective study is generally a tissue of innuendo, misrepresentations, and outright lies. But nevertheless, leading corporations then cite the SPLC’s study as justification for barring the abhorrent hate group from their various services.


The supposedly objective news media solemnly repeats that the group in question has been designated by the SPLC as a “hate group,” as if this were akin to a cancer diagnosis from a sober, disinterested medical professional. But it’s more like a leprosy diagnosis: after all this, the “hate group” is duly ostracized and marginalized. This game has worked for years, with cowardly conservatives playing along and accepting the ostracism of some foremost voices of dissent from the Leftist agenda. But Justice Clarence Thomas on Monday declared that it is high time that this sinister game comes to an end.


Thomas dissented from the Court’s denial of a petition for a writ of certiorari in the case of Coral Ridge Ministries Media Inc. v. Southern Poverty Law Center, and it’s a shame that his remarks are in a dissenting opinion on a case the Court declined to hear rather than a majority opinion striking against the SPLC, as the Leftist beast will never be vanquished as long as the SPLC’s wholly unjustified status as an impartial arbiter of what does and does not constitute “hate” that is beyond the pale of acceptable discourse remains unchallenged.


Coral Ridge Ministries Media tried to challenge it. As Thomas notes in his dissent, Coral Ridge is “a Christian nonprofit dedicated to spreading the ‘Gospel of Jesus Christ’ and ‘a biblically informed view of the world, using all available media.’” That is not illegal in the United States, but Coral Ridge’s efforts were significantly hampered when the SPLC designated it an “anti-LGBT hate group” for holding what Thomas termed “biblical views concerning human sexuality and marriage.” After this, the ostracism began.


Through its AmazonSmile program, Amazon allows its customers to contribute to their favorite charities with their purchases; Coral Ridge, however, despite being an eligible charity as far as the U.S. government is concerned, as it is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization, was barred from participating in AmazonSmile, on the grounds that the SPLC had designated it a “hate group.”


Coral Ridge sued the SPLC for defamation, maintaining that it “has nothing but love for people who engage in homosexual conduct” and “has never attacked or maligned anyone on the basis of engaging in homosexual conduct.” Coral Ridge asserted that the SPLC knew that it wasn’t really a “hate group” at all but tarred it as one nonetheless in order to “destroy the Ministry” by “dissuad[ing] people and organizations from donating” to it.

Anonymous ID: 6579b2 Aug. 7, 2022, 8:37 a.m. No.17139402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9456 >>9466 >>9552










>All that matters is results and the last five years of losing results speaks for itself. The plan was self evident. Check the price of food and gas.


>Patriots are in control.

Don't you know that every loss is a win? Victory comes from defeat. The winning is so immense. Can't you feel it? Everything is just optics. Disinformation necessary. Justice is coming. Soon. Booms en route. We're not gonna take it anymore. So on…and so on…