Anonymous ID: aaaa17 Aug. 7, 2022, 8:40 a.m. No.17139722   🗄️.is 🔗kun











NED, Solidarity Center, AFL-CIO, CIPE, NDI, IRI, FTUI, ACLIS, Our Tax Dollars and Extra Constitutional Activities?


Here are previous related posts that Anon feels are important to keep in mind.

All PB


Jim says Congress is claiming Executive and Judicial Power



"The glaring facts show that the people’s house is overstepping its position in our American government. Approaching and in all reality by a projection of power the place of not only legislative butjudicialandexecutiveas well. You do have this power. You do not have the right to this power. History will not be kind, you can be certain of that."



^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Wonder when they'll do Eric Holder?



"Navarro: My mission here is to get this to the Supreme Court…the biggest issue here is whether an incumbent president can strip a predecessor of Executive Privilege. If that happens, if the courts allow it to stand, the Justice Department gets away with that, that will

essentially kill the institution of Executive Privilege as we know it.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

In Anon's opinion Congress has been usurping (through NED and its affiliates) the responsibilities of the executive Branch for decades. Now, if Navarro is right, the Executive Office itself is at risk. Now the question may be, is that OK with the Supreme Court?