Anonymous ID: aaee0a Aug. 7, 2022, 8:37 a.m. No.17139513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9597 >>9836















about a month ago the 4th PsyOp Group (US Army) stationed in Fort Bragg, NC, posted this video (the first) on their youtube page


they've also posted a similar message on twitter, don't feel like looking for the link but it's there.

all the babyfist/cicada3301/abcu associated accounts on twitter, including people Jim is directly connected to, like Thomas Schoenberger, have drooled all over this video and made many "ghost" references in their names/bios/posts (ghost composer). all of these accounts were made around the same time this video came out.


we now have a "Q" who refuses to verify themselves.


the simplest explanation is that Jim is behind it, he's a grifter and is getting paid to grift. but what if there's more?


there are too many coincidences in the greater context that should be accounted for, imo. this is one of them. either it's clowns or larpers. larpers would be doing it for fun but..

if clowns are pulling Jim's strings, clowns are doing it for a reason. if you watch the video, you'll know what that reason is.

they're going to co-opt Q. unless devolution is in play, then Biden is in control of the military intelligence agencies. what might he do with Q? i hope i'm wrong. i probably am, but thought i'd share anyway. we need that delta with Trump asap.