Anonymous ID: 261ff1 Aug. 7, 2022, 10:29 a.m. No.17148338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8381 >>8402 >>8506 >>8549



the problem is you must take the RACE shit off before people can embrace you.


Not all Jews(both religion and race) are bolshevik(murdering fucks in russia) commie(Not a religion) kazar nazi(not a religion) satanist(vs christian)


see what I'm sayin roll that your shit's all retarded meme.


If you want me to embrace your shit the enemy will need to be called NAZIS. this is burned in for 70 year+


You piss people off saying Jew Jew Jew.

Are YOU AWAKE yet?

Anonymous ID: 261ff1 Aug. 7, 2022, 10:29 a.m. No.17148371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8845


The dark ones.


They have a global network with a pyramidal hierarchy, and individuals in top levels have influential positions in governments and all national and international institutions and organizations that impact life worldwide.


Mainstream media; education; UN, EU, NATO and all other alliances; Federal Reserve System, IMF, WEF, stock markets and all other monetary systems; trade, taxation and insurance; publishing; legal and justice systems; military forces; INTERPOL, CIA and all other intelligence agencies; energy systems; transportation; agriculture; fraternal organizations; religions; WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH and all other branches in the healthcare industry; charitable foundations; multinational corporations; and the entertainment field. Those individuals at the top also are running the illegal drug industry, sex trafficking, pedophilia rings and Satanic rituals.


The lower in the hierarchy people are, the less they know about what goes on in the pyramid or even that they are part of a pyramid. The many millions at the bottom have no idea that their jobs are supporting a sinister group that operates in secrecy and whose goal is to eliminate billions of lives through warring, impoverishment, toxic pollution and disease.