Anonymous ID: 7a1028 Aug. 7, 2022, 12:24 p.m. No.17158876   🗄️.is 🔗kun



jews who outsourced all of our production to china to take advantage of their slave labor are the only reason china has so much power.


1.4 billion chinks don't matter because they can't float a significant number across the pacific without being sunk. and if they landed we would all be united, except commies, against those invaders.


If you want to shut down Whites bashing you do something about the black on white crime rate especially rape and murder. all i hear is excuses and changing the subject. blacks kill whites 10 to 1. that is unacceptable. that isn't the ratio it would be if whites ran out of patience on this issue and made a paramilitary to deal with it again.

you can't expect us to care that a cop shoots a criminal who shot first when we are raped and murdered by the tens of thousands every year.

be like the left pic, not the right pic.