Anonymous ID: c38807 Aug. 7, 2022, 11:31 a.m. No.17151646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4373





Stop playing the game of duality and contrast here. Recognize it for what it is. Illusionary construct ran by an AI program that was copied long ago to rebuild a "newer world"


This newer world, still computer driven is cleansed of "evil" unlike here. It has the technology, new currency, things that is being shown here now and trump fighting for, but until all sectors destroyed and peeps let go of this manufactured "realm" it will get worse.


Let go.

Unlearn as it was all lies.

All of it.


We can go thru gates and walk out, but to go thru your own frequency must be high, resonating at love, peace levels and frankly too much division, so a bit more to show them, more will get disgusted at every sector.


Banking, education, government, taxes, bloodlines, pharma, working chasing tail all your life… This was never mesnt to be like this. At all.


This area we are in is not our turf… go to HI2 stars picture, Earth sat from end of February until about 10 days ago it started to move. Planets are not what we think they are and thank God for SpaceForce!


Normies would have trouble with this, hell even anons do as well, until you realize the "tinnitus" is shaking you awake/unglueing. How do bring it up in casual conversation, hows the unglueing from your physical form coming along? Yup, 5150 that shit kek


You exist outside this "construct", what is in here is a mere fragment of your mind having an earthly experience.


Some have been here for the full fucking 4 books and we are on the last fucking page of book 4. Their game is over. Their prison system ends.


So want to get out… Stop playing.

Do you know what they truly hate?

Being loved.

They hate us loving them, haye us praying for them, haye us for showing love for each other from friends, family and strangers. Want to starve them of loosh buffets? Love them.


They flipped us and reversed it all.

We are flipping this bitch back, taking back every definition, every symbol, reclaiming it all and when we leave here. They stay behind in the hell they created.


That is their pit and their end.

Freewill… We each decide which path we take and rise in frequency to go on.