Anonymous ID: 5eaac9 Aug. 7, 2022, 12:09 p.m. No.17157024   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Tucker Carlson's monologue is about some people

who are claiming that they have PTSD after the "J6 insurrection"

AOC, and a couple of reporters, maybe others


this reminds me of the "slip and fall" laws

that plagued many businesses at one time

and even put some OUT of business

I've seen it several times with my own eyes


One happened on a rainy day

the grocer had placed mats, caution markers, etc

and still an obese black woman had managed to fall

Another, someone had busted a shampoo bottle

and some blind person not looking where he went

came along and slipped on the mess


Problem is, the business was responsible for the safety of customers

and it was worth it just to pay out of hand

than to take it to court


So, too, was someone in charge of the safety of

all the people in the Capital building on January 6

and it wasn't President of the United States

It was Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi


I suggest that anyone who was allowed entrance

the day of the "said insurrection"

and suffered any harm, arrest, PTSD, endangerment,

harassment by government officials

privacy invaded by beefed up charges

family life interrupted

loss of jobs

loss of an essential use of a phone

I think those people should sue Nancy Pelosi.

She had every opportunity to make sure

that the Capital would be secure

that there would be enough security available

to handle any potential event that might occur.


Nancy Pelosi not only did not ensure the safety of Congress

she deliberately neglected her duties to do this.