Anonymous ID: 5c4fad Aug. 7, 2022, 11:52 a.m. No.17154803   🗄️.is 🔗kun



HA! It was THIS phenomenon anon had been digging about for the 5-years proceeding Q's arrival. Had hand-made charts tracking the suddenly accelerated shift of Magnetic North from the Western Hemisphere side of the Arctic Circle, past Geographic North and speeding towards Siberia!


Also pulled news articles about the need for two dozen or so international airports to redesignate runway headings because the "two digit" heading is based on Magnetic North!


I was able to grab those articles before they started being scrubbed. Those who follow this phenomenon will know that NOAA and every other government agency began hiding MN shift updates on all their official websites. SuspiciousObserver knows it all but was hit with a gag order, or else.


Then, as I said, Q came along. Even assuming the Global Elite have their bunkers, they won't survive The Shift which occurs on the average of every 775,000 years. And The Shift happens relatively SUDDENLY as opposed to over the course of centuries as first thought.