Anonymous ID: 088dd3 Aug. 7, 2022, 7:21 p.m. No.17181660   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anons interested in the best recap of the crime we call covid, highly recommend this interview of Greg Hunter with David Martin.

He gives a detailed timeline going back to 1999 (yeah, it's that old), just how the jabs are altering DNA and what it means to be human, and the RICO statute that this falls under.

OnJuly 6the lawsuit against the primary proponents of this begins oral arguments.In UTAH

Recall the many old Q posts that talk about Utah. We mainly focused on things dealing with RussiaRussiaRussia. But there was another reason why Huber, et al., are located there. It's this. Q spoke of RICO too.

Attached is the filing for this lawsuit.

The interview is here. It's an hour long, but you will never get a better summary.