Anonymous ID: 62fe29 Aug. 7, 2022, 7:20 p.m. No.17181482   🗄️.is 🔗kun


James Roguski: Egregious scientific fraud is being perpetrated at VRBPAC. Pfizer and the FDA should be immediately investigated.


The data from the study presented by Pfizer and the FDA is so horribly corrupt and the fact that not one of the “expert” committee members noticed the problems listed below and all 21 members voted to recommend that the FDA authorize the Pfizer biological product should make them all the laughingstock of the “scientific” world.


QUESTIONS (6-23 months):

1 VACCINE EFFICACY IS 14% (See the first line)

2 Why did 73% (1,027-277=750/1027=73%) of the participants in the treatment group drop out of the study?

3 Why is it being ignored that 98 of the 1027 infants (6-23 months) who received the Pfizer injections were diagnosed with COVID-19?

4 Why was the “effectiveness” of the Pfizer injection NEGATIVE (-29.7%) after the first injection?

5 Why is it being ignored that the PLACEBO was 100% effective for the first 7 days after Dose 3?

6 Why did 151 participants (treatment) disappear from the study before it started? (N=1178-1027=151).

7 Why did Pfizer fail to follow up with, and fail to report on 17.5% (336-277=59/336=17.5%) of the 6-23 month old children who received Dose 3?

8 Why is it being ignored that ALL of the 58 participants who were diagnosed with COVID-19 in the placebo group survived COVID-19 infection and developed natural immunity?

9 Why are Pfizer and the FDA allowed to divert attention to immuno-bridging when the efficacy data clearly shows that the vaccines were ineffective regardless of their ability to trigger the production of antibodies?

10 Shouldn’t this entire study be thrown in the trash heap?


QUESTIONS (2-4 years old):


2 Why did 71% (1,673-481=1,192/1,673=71%) of the participants in the treatment group drop out of the study?

3 127 of the 1673 2-4 year olds who received the Pfizer injection were diagnosed with COVID-19. Why is that being ignored? The injections clearly did not prevent illness.

4 Why did Pfizer fail to follow up with and fail to report on 13% (553-481=72) of the 2-4 year old children who received Dose 3?

5 Why is it being ignored that ALL of the 92 participants who were diagnosed with COVID-19 in the 2-4 year old placebo group survived COVID-19 infection and developed natural immunity?

6 Why are Pfizer and the FDA allowed to divert attention to immuno-bridging when the efficacy data clearly shows that the vaccines were ineffective?

7 Clearly there is an error in the N=1178 and N=598, which seems to refer to the 6-23 month age group, not the 2-4 year old group.

8 Shouldn’t this entire study be thrown in the trash heap?



1 The most fundamental and required information needed to determine whether or not to approve a “vaccine” has NOT been provided by either Pfizer or Moderna.

2 The Pfizer injections do NOT prevent death due to COVID-19.

3 The first Pfizer injection actually increases the likelihood that babies will get COVID-19 by 29.7%.

4 A full course of three Pfizer injections based on a manipulated Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2 have been shown to be only 14.5% effective in preventing COVID-19 in children 6-23 months old.

5 Every child who received the placebo in the trials has survived. No babies in the placebo group died due to COVID-19. The study actually demonstrated that COVID-19 does NOT pose a risk of death to babies.

6 Over 75% of children in the United States have been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 and have developed natural immunity. They do not need a “vaccine.”

7 There is no emergency among young children and infants.

8 There IS serious danger in these injections.


Two minute video, Dr. Clare Craig quickly explains the massive data fraud:

Send this to parents before they give a shot to their kids


James 20 min interview explaining the data fraud:


The data that was presented in the VRBPAC meeting (and detailed above) is so obviously fraudulent and purposefully misleading, Pfizer and the FDA should be immediately investigated.