Once I close that zipper I am safe inside from those parasites. Love them from inside my single bed.
you're so full of fucking shit that i guarantee your eyes are as dark as an ethiopan jew on a moonless night
oldfags from /pol/ have always been dyed-in-the-wool top notch warriors who won't bow down or take shit from anyone
especially some refugees from facefuck, plebbit, and voat who never even knew what a img board was until they saw their fake ass e-friends making q-groups on the main social media giants
newflash, faggot, it's called politically incorrect for a reason
it wasn't until marxists like yourself came on board trying to browbeat the oldfags into being "accepting and tolerant" of all your mainstream propaganda and censoring for wrongthink, which ran many of us off the main platforms and to the chans to begin with, that you've tried to re-write the history of the boards to make it seem like it's all one big kumbaya circle jerk
you get your panties all twisted just like mainstream cancel culture has been conditioned for every time someone says nigger, wop, kike, and everything else that you deem "inappropriate"
so sick of you weak ass mental midgets
you're the same type of actual faggot who would call for someone's head if they ever said faggot in public or want to take someone's livelihood away from them all because they said nigger, a fucking WORD
so go fuck yourself.