Anonymous ID: 9284a1 Aug. 7, 2022, 9:18 p.m. No.17192376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3282



i am not religiously anti-spam. i cannot think of a single instance when there was a "massive drop" of a 100 posts in a bread in the past 4 years. can you? do you have any proof for that or is that another hypothetical? you can't base your entire argument on paranoid suspicion. i do agree with you that it's sketchy no reason was provided for the deletions on the board logs, but i have no other proof, beyond speculation, to support the claim that half the posts were deleted. go find the proof then come back here. that's what we used to do around here. we would come up with the theory, sauce the theory, and then provide it for all to see. now anons such as yourselves vomit out the theory without sauce, spam it relentlessly, and expect to be convincing. go do your due diligence, anon.