Anonymous ID: daac91 Aug. 7, 2022, 9:17 p.m. No.17192355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2984


"Dozens of NATO commandos are working on the territory of Ukraine as well as CIA operatives. CIA operatives are directing weapon deliveries from Kiev. NATO commandos are likely working with Ukrainian military units and providing recon & targeting coordinates/calculations. American “battlefield” software on NATO provided tablets enables Ukrainians to use NATO satellites to target Russian forces & its highly likely these tablets are being closely guarded by those very same NATO forces present on ground in Ukraine.


Russia has said this since the start, now New York Times admitted it. — this whole time this was “russian propaganda” according to BBC, Sky news, CNN, twitter “experts” and all other pro-Ukrop trash."


They're trying too hard to get the Ukrainians to fight their dirty war. They want Putin gone. They keep running stories that his health is bad, several balloons tossed up to see if something will float. There are a LOT of cells amongst us. McCarthy was dead nuts on. Helluva wrap up smear they pulled off. Then they call the writers icons, like Carl Sandberg (total Commie)