Anonymous ID: e415ad Aug. 7, 2022, 9:22 p.m. No.17193246   🗄️.is 🔗kun



On June 24, 2020, too. A lot from June 24, 2020 actually. Datefags missed a big event.



Jun 24, 2020 1:17:11 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f4ac89 No. 9731255

This has never been attempted.

Use of general public to counter the narrative [propaganda] push by controlled media.

Analysis [start-to-now] indicates situational awareness [decoupling of MSDNC control of information (channels 1-99)] of general public expanding at massive pace.

Attacks indicate [can be defined as] loss of generalized information control.

Need to expend ammunition [muster network to defend and coordinate attacks] to counter.

MIL-CIV Alliance.


Anonymous ID: e415ad Aug. 7, 2022, 9:22 p.m. No.17193299   🗄️.is 🔗kun




QAnon conspiracy theory creator 'Q' returns to online message board for the first time in two years with cryptic post: 'Shall we play a game once more?'


Q, the founder of the paranoid Qanon movement, posted on Friday night with three cryptic messages

His first post appears to reference the 1980s movie 'War Games' in which a computer hacker nearly sets off a global thermonuclear war

The enigmatic leader refused to say why he had not posted for two years

Disinformation researchers believe Q has reemerged to foment chaos after the recent controversial rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court

Linguistic researchers believe that computer entrepreneur Ron Watkins is the man behind the Q postings

Watkins is currently running a dark-horse campaign for Arizona congressman


By Janon Fisher For Dailymail.Com


Published: 19:55 BST, 26 June 2022 | Updated: 21:28 BST, 26 June 2022