The faggot shooter kid with doodlebop hair has most likely been taught by his Mother who, from reading last night, appherently is into "Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn" - which is inharently Rosecrution within the "Inner Order" - which is at the top of the esoteric teachings of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Neuordnung World Order
47 is the Wolfsangel (Wizards and Warlocks)
"The Wolfsangel is an ancient runic symbol that was believed to be able to ward off wolves. Historically, it appeared in Germany in many places, ranging from guidestones on the sides of roads to heraldic use in the coats of arms of various towns; there is even a German city called Wolfsangel. Along with many other runic symbols, Nazi Germany appropriated the Wolfsangel. It appeared as part of the divisional insignia of several Waffen-SS units, including the notorious 2nd SS "Das Reich" Panzer Division. As a result, it became a symbol of choice for neo-Nazis in Europe and the United States. In the United States, the neo-Nazi group Aryan Nations incorporated the Wolfsangel into their logo."
Sauce From ADL =
We will be judged by our works, anon