>military readiness
pregnant trannies aborting their blood clots was a potato strategic plan foiled by putin ?
>military readiness
pregnant trannies aborting their blood clots was a potato strategic plan foiled by putin ?
Judge not less ye be judged, And Israels sins are Forgiven.
There is no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked, but it
is the Will of the Father that all, through Jesus Christ would
come unto repentance and be saved. You can give away
everything, and it would be for nothing if you don't have
Everything has double meaning
Nothing is Random.
No Coincidences.
Invisible Enemy.
Think Mirror.
The Bible, the Word of God made account of me doing this.
I have a quote from a Q movie where a funny chinese guy sais, Political Assassination is the Highest form of public charity.
With Great Power, comes great responsibility.
God is in the mouths of the wicked, although he is far from their minds.
Gods Power is in His Word.
I would wound, and I would be wounded.
I have been wounded, and I will wound
4Wilt thou judge them, son of man, wilt thou judge them?