lightworkers are supposedly here, waking up the dummies
not working too well, considering how many normies took the fauci poison jabs
lightworkers are supposedly here, waking up the dummies
not working too well, considering how many normies took the fauci poison jabs
extra [r]
Obama tweeted a pic with Merkel at Smithsonian last night; she is in the USA right now.,-merkel-zu-besuch-in-washington-museumsbesuch-mit-obama-_arid,713472.html
Barack Obama
As president, I saw Chancellor Merkel lead through crises with her wise pragmatism, good humor, and unrelenting moral compass—and I feel lucky to call her a friend. Grateful for the chance to visit the @NMAAHC today, a reminder that America is a constant work in progress.
9:01 PM · Jun 28, 2022·Twitter for iPhone