mil part of HRC 16yr plan ?
hawaii defcon….
missile launch…
someone set the timer on something else ?
mil part of HRC 16yr plan ?
hawaii defcon….
missile launch…
someone set the timer on something else ?
mil part of HRC 16yr plan ?
hawaii defcon….
missile launch…
someone set the timer on something else ?
HRC did not try to convince mil and had no one on her side ?
Gen wesly said 7 countries would be invaded in middle east ? What is that about ?
could be black hats in mil ?
why would Roths have Chinese hack when they can buy the hardware ? they could pay people to press the button !!!
If Hitler escaped by a two roth submarines.And
Roth wants War III, Wouldnt Roth buy Nuclear submarines
with the 4 Trillion they have plus the Chinese Gold in Swizterland?
Woulnt Roth want to buy the tech and the uranium?
If they had the submarines which they did since hitler escaped on an old one to South America.
Where would the Rothschild place their submarines?
Flash Break
Flash memory ?
meltdown and spectre lose sub tech with
or in memory of systems ?
That was my thinking. Why only three letters ?
If roths paid and infiltrated buying steel and drills. The 911 drill from norad ? Pretty weird ?
Generals visiting Build a Burger meetings?
Generals do not have to report to USA ?
Why Generals meeting at Build a Burger ?
Rothchilds are not human. They have 4 trillion dollars and can buy the army if they want to
Black hats in the Military Industrial Complex ?
Why would the government want to tie together power companies and the internet only to complain about hacking ?