Anonymous ID: feb3a8 June 12, 2018, 5:54 p.m. No.1721440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1480


Missiles cannot be hacked, they are on a separate system. Not even on the same network as the secret network. They can only be hacked from the outside meaning another system from another site on the network in, or the officers with keys can launch

Anonymous ID: feb3a8 June 12, 2018, 6:02 p.m. No.1721552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1593


It is all optics, they can make any known bad actor take the fall for what ever they come up with. All they need is someone that has been compromised, and being someone that has seen what people have done, I can tell you they can easily find a person to shoot a missile into the air. Many military officers I know have cheated on wives, given secrets, and more would do anything to save their lives.