Anonymous ID: 0f30ce Aug. 8, 2022, 2:56 a.m. No.17221511   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Grift Level? Pro.


Eric CIAramella’s Dirty Whistle @TheAndersPaul


I don’t think this is totally new; But Susssmann represents Joffe/ Neustar when he met w IG in April 2015. The agents he meets w/ may give us an idea of content. Dieffenbach is grant fraud ethics violations of classified programs. Howell is IG of OPM. OPM hacks were 3/14and 4/15


Joffe is on record calling for OPM chief to be fired after the 2nd hack. His quotes make it into some articles. OPM was going through a overhaul with their IT/cybersecurity. The second hack of OPM is odd. There was some public confusion on how we found it. That’s Joffe’s job.


Joffe with all his patents with Neustar discuss enhanced attribution using DNS among other things to protect systems and find intruders like botnets. A breach would certainly incentivize government agencies to use his products. One of MANY patents.

