Anonymous ID: 19e034 Aug. 8, 2022, 2:55 a.m. No.17221324   🗄️.is 🔗kun




posted on Jun, 26 2022 @ 04:46 AMlink

They want you divided and divided you are. I thought Q would have opened our eyes enough to not let the media use their same methods to divide us over the "QAnon conspiracy" but here we are.


Q's purpose was not to give predictions and tell you the plan. Would you take your top secret plan and post it on the internet where anyone in the world, including your enemy, could see it? I think Q even made this a point a few times along the way.

Q also noted that the anons (researchers) weren't always the intended target for every post. What might have been assumed as a prediction might have meant something else.


Now I'm not Q and can't speak to the true intent, but I think the purpose was to help guide us to research, recognize, and understand the current state of the world so that we would be prepared for a plan to execute. This is why Q pushed us to archive our information as well as spread it. If we expect to make changes to stop the corruption we need the support of the people based in truth. The research that resulted from Q was critical to move forward so that we could start getting the population to understand the situation.


It's also important to remember that Q didn't really tell us anything. I look at it like a connect-the-dots puzzle. Q provided some dots but WE had to connect them. Have we forgotten the years people spent digging and the revelations that came from that research? That wasn't Q, nor was it a conspiracy. Most of what we learned came from utilizing internet sources and archives, and a lot of that research started when the Podesta emails were published to Wikileaks which happened well before Q started posting. Q really just helped us expand and focus from what people were already figuring out.

The fact that the media writes hit pieces against "Qanon" is laughable at this point because most of what we know came from research done by normal people utilizing their Google skills. It's crazy that they're banking on people believing some person in a basement posted "Hillary eats children" on 4chan and that a movement this big came out of it. Then again, I also find it crazy how many people watched and bought into the HBO documentary.


From my perspective, I don't think we even need Q anymore. We know enough. We know the evil we're facing, and we know we need to be prepared for change. If the plan we're trusting in fails, Q has referenced that we the people (in the US) have the right to overthrow our corrupt government. It's not a very comforting back-up plan, but I don't think our enemy would be pointing attention to an extreme last resort that would put them completely out of business.


For those who have grown impatient, just remember that we were put in the right place at the right time to learn about and digest information about some pretty horrific things that would sound insane to those unaware. I recognize that it is easy to grow impatient because we have been living through this hell with an eyes-wide-open view, but many people still have their eyes only slightly opened.


Lastly, we can't just go in and arrest a few people and think this is going to go away. Think of it like the mob. There's always someone lined up to take your place to continue your illegal work if something happens to you. The whole machine has to be dismantled.

You can relate it to dealing with a fruit fly problem. You can't kill two fruit flies and think you're done. You have to eradicate all the flies, remove any possible eggs that were laid, and put maintenance measures in place to make sure your issues don't pop back up.

Now if this were just a US issue then maybe it could be done faster, but what we're looking at dismantling is a machine of corruption built worldwide. This wasn't going to take months, or even a couple of years. Plus, this absolutely has to be done correctly or history is likely going to repeat itself.

Anonymous ID: 19e034 Aug. 8, 2022, 2:56 a.m. No.17221378   🗄️.is 🔗kun



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