Anonymous ID: 48c831 Aug. 8, 2022, 2:55 a.m. No.17221213   🗄️.is 🔗kun




It is not a dance, fren.


But perhaps it WAS a dance when I said it, do you think?

Will it be a dance when I do it again in future?

The dance is now only, you imagine?

Yet you perceived as I percieved past and future and present.


pb = past bread.

You can find it where you posted in the past.

And if you look for it, you will review it in the future. Hence to view back.


Now is your crutch for dismissing reality experienced and reality to be eperienced.


Do you breath now to live in the future? Yes, your body tells you so. And has told you so in the past. Hence you breaths have sustained you in the past to live now and into the future.


There is no dance.

There is objective reality beyond your rhetoric.

There is subjective perception yes, which is like improvisation off of the script you have written, are writing, and will write.


Not a rhetorical flourish.



Can be a dance of joy for what has been, is now, and will become. Think of conception, gestation, birth, forward and backward you will have travelled without perceiving the journey.


Your body tells you so.


Shhhh. Listen.