Anonymous ID: e2356f Aug. 8, 2022, 2:56 a.m. No.17221444   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nancy Pelosi’s Son Accused Of Physical Assault of A 6-Year Old Before He Used CPS To Get The Girl Taken From Her Mother


Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. was photographed smiling next to a distressed 6-year old girl, and Paul Pelosi Jr. stands accused of making the girl distressed by physically touching her. An eyewitness to the scene told NATIONAL FILE that Paul Pelosi Jr. was “yanking” the 6-year old’s body, “causing her to cry, while Paul enjoys it.” The girl is the daughter of Karena Feng, Paul Pelosi Junior’s ex-girlfriend who is now running for Congress in California’s Ninth Congressional District. Paul Pelosi Jr. fraudulently got Karena Feng’s children taken away by Child Protective Services (CPS), as this article below proves. This photograph below was exclusively obtained by NATIONAL FILE showing a scene from the incident, which multiple witnesses said they observed.


As I reported for Big League Politics: Karena Feng, a female victim of the Pelosi family’s mob-style targeting and intimidation tactics, announced on The Campaign Show with Patrick Howley on Patriots Soapbox that she is running for U.S. Congress in California’s Ninth District as part of her campaign to reform the broken Child Protective Services (CPS) system, which vindictively seizes children from parents and extorts them for visitation. Feng is also running for office because she believes it might help get her own children back from the clutches of the state. Feng has become a pillar in the community of California parents fighting for changes in the CPS system, and she has some sharp words for her opponent, Democrat incumbent Congressman Jerry McNerney. Feng says that McNerney has not tackled the CPS child welfare crisis, and she will. Feng says that she has formally launched her candidacy. Feng says that there are aspects of both Democrat and Republican policies that she agrees with and disagrees with.


In the interview with journalist Patrick Howley, Karena Feng describes how Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Junior targeted her to seize her property, which once housed her father’s beloved San Francisco healing spa but now is a San Francisco drug den with Pelosi Junior as the listed point of contact. Pelosi Junior got Karena Feng’s children taken away by CPS using a false story, as text messages prove.


Whistleblower Richie Albertini says that he was hired by the Pelosi family to be part of a harassment and intimidation shakedown campaign against Karena Feng, the ex-girlfriend of Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Junior. Albertini said that while he was working for an underground collections racket, he was handed an entire file on Karena “Apple” Feng, the target of the Pelosi family. Albertini was told that Paul Pelosi Junior was effectively the owner of the “debt” that Feng supposedly owed. Albertini, who has become a born-again Christian, told us about the “harassment, and basically stalking” activities of multiple collections enforcement companies that targeted Karena Feng. Albertini said that he had contact with Paul Pelosi Junior about the case and that Nancy Pelosi was CC’ed on email communications regarding the Karena Feng collections case.


Richie Albertini spoke exclusively to journalist Patrick Howley regarding Albertini’s association with the Pelosi family. Patrick Howley conducted the interview with Richie Albertini for Patriots Soapbox and the interview is being exclusively reported here by Big League Politics. The interview can be viewed on Gab, on Rumble, and in this article below. Karena Feng is known by her nickname Apple.


Who is Karena Feng? Paul Pelosi Junior dated her and targeted her property for years, even coercing her into having an abortion. Nancy’s son Paul Pelosi Junior used Child Protective Services (CPS) to get Karena Feng’s children taken away from her because Paul developed a vindictive obsession with the young single mother. Karena Feng was robbed of her children because Paul Pelosi Junior contacted CPS to get Feng’s children taken away, according to exclusive text messages presented below. What was the rationale for taking Karena Feng’s children? The corrupt CPS system tried to paint her as a crazy person for saying that she knew Paul Pelosi Junior. But she’s not crazy. She knew Paul Pelosi Junior very well, as photo and video evidence in this article proves.


In fact, Paul Pelosi Junior’s name is the documented point of contact for a once-beautiful building in San Francisco. It used to be Karena Feng’s beloved father’s healing spa. Now, it is a den of drugs and human vice after Paul Pelosi Junior railroaded Karena Feng out of the property. Now, we know the extent to which the Pelosis tried to keep Karena Feng silent. Now, we know the Pelosis used mob tactics to intimidate Karena Feng and ruin her life. The enforcement businesses that Richie Albertini named to us have been verified as being real.

Anonymous ID: e2356f Aug. 8, 2022, 2:56 a.m. No.17221478   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'm sure it's just an accident, but you keep forgetting to mention that it was you making the fake Q posts and then waiting a bread or two and trying to draw attention to it. Prolly just an oversight on your part.