Anonymous ID: 88e529 Aug. 8, 2022, 3:09 a.m. No.17222436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2630 >>2690 >>3005 >>3024



Elon Musk doesn’t exist

Zach (((Epstein)))

June 2, 2016


Ladies and gentlemen, you're about to take the red pill. Tesla boss and SpaceX founder Elon Musk knows something the rest of us don't: we don't actually exist. You don't exist. I don't exist. Elon Musk doesn't exist. Instead, we're all just software trapped inside an advanced civilization's computer simulation. In fact, Musk says the chances that we're not just pieces of code in a futuristic computer simulation are one in billions. And he says if he's wrong — if this is reality and not a simulation — it's the worst news imaginable and the world is about to end.


There's good news though: if you ever find yourself in a hot tub with Musk, he definitely won't bring up his simulation theory because his brother won't let him. Confused yet? It's OK, so am I.