Anonymous ID: fa1c30 Aug. 8, 2022, 3:10 a.m. No.17222704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2971



>"We are living with people who we have never seen before"


The no voice comes from big tech and social media, but who is running those sites? The people you have never seen before, mainly communists from other countries. They are censoring voices and also run employment sites where they are blacklisting Americans. This statement is confirmation to what I have said in the past. The Satanic Wall St Bolsheviks (mainly Jews) hire foreigners (mainly Indians) who scammed us out of close to 100 trillion in IT contracts since 911. Did that senior Indian technician who worked at Twitter not confess to this? Most certainly did. And I warned people about this since 911 as a previous Wall St technician.