Oh no. Should I go extinct myself now or later?
Woke Societies, [04.07.22 13:01]
[Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox ๐ฆ]
[ Video ]
Epic Scenes in the Netherlands: The Dutch Farmers Aren't Messing Around
The government picked the wrong people to mess with.
@VigilantFox | Rumble (https://rumble.com/v1b3u23-epic-scenes-in-the-netherlands-the-dutch-farmers-arent-messing-around.html) | Source (https://twitter.com/RadioGenova/status/1543988839294930944?s=20&t=8C3NyVFLCcDaB0w_4PzoOQ)
>Simple questions get simple answers.
>Who benefits the most from faking Q posts? - Jim Watkins.
>Who has the ability to game the system to fake Q posts? - Jim Watkins
>Who made sure they had plausible deniability when it happened? - Jim Watkins
>Who showed this morning to run damage control with no real answers? - Jim Watkins.
>Who stands to make money if Q comes back? - Jim Watkins.
>Who was hanging out with the person that tried to LARP as part of Q team already? - Jim Watkins.
>Anons used to be all about using logic.
A question for you thenโฆ
Was Q ever real or just Jim all along?
Just and FYI to Ms. Hutchinson and those in Rio Linda. The President was not in the beast on Jan 6.