The problem is that once handholding, helplessness and passive learning becomes normalized, all learning stops. Place turns into a safe space for weak people looking to be entertained, coddled and their emotional stability/happiness outsourced to strangers on the web. The end result is a cancer that converts a free speech, honest forum into a closed, rigid, “you hurt my feels” how dare you, let’s talk about my childhood trauma, disaster. Yes, we can be “nicer” but in our culture, that is usually translated as - please do my thinking for me and make sure I suffer no angst and that you adjust to accommodate certain groups who can’t keep up due to historical/systemic whatever works crap. How about a compromise of simply saying, “ welcome, we know this is confusing/overwhelming, but the first step is to read the crumbs and proofs.” When I first came here, “lurk moar” and “read the crumbs” was pretty much nonstop. Not seeing it as much, now. >>1727749
Reading through a single bread would tell them what lurk moar means. Dumbing down and capitulating to people who haven’t learned to think (yeah state schools) would bog the place down to glue.
Disagre. Most of the time. You are already trying to Impose what you think is appropriate. Works for some, not others. Some can be drill Sargent said, some can be sweeties. The biggest problem of normies is an unrealistic notion they need to be spoon fed. People who are sweethearts are a treasure. People who snap us into shape and don’t Put up with lame excuses and helplessness are also a treasure. >>1727813
>>I appreciate your thoughts, really I do. It has also crossed my mind how many with potential are driven off. Don’t mean to be rude so much as straight talking. A concern I have is that so many left leaning folk have had the “privilege” of confining themselves to an arena where they can say whatever they want without thinking it through or considering anything beyond whether it conforms with the progressive narrative. They get attaboys, att girls for virtue signaling, demonizing dissenters and extra points for victimhood. It would not hurt these spoiled children to be told to think before they speak.
Many won’t come to learn - they’ll come to be entertained. My feeling is that there are many who will come to see the light but it won’t be directly from 8ch - many will be persuaded by their normie friends who have more mental toughness and a personal relationship with them. Just my take.