Beyonce and Jay-Z tickets given away for free in a car park as On The Run II tour flops…
The tide is turning.
Turkey’s Election Is Too Close to Call
Good stuff. I would love to see this prick go down.
>MOSSAD attempts failed.
Meaning Corsi, I guess?
So, are Q telling us NOT to use the hashtag #QAnon?
Because my Twit account exploded last year when I started tweeting about Q and then in early January it completely died.
Every tweet has "QAnon." Is there another hashtag to direct truth seekers to this info?
[@jack is such a cunt.]
Twit users? Anybody?
Most of my tweets have @realDonaldTrump.
Anons, my question is: Is Q telling us NOT to use the hashtag #QAnon? And if so, is there another hashtag we should use to signal to people who are searching for this info?
If your hear your enemies making plans for six months in advance or even just in the "near future" yes, it would.
NOTE: Not everything Q say actually happens. There are changes in plans, mission failures, disinformation, etc.
It's not about ideals, it's about communicating clearly with LOGIC/FACTS. Period.
The anons do that a lot but Q team actually own up to their mistakes and failures, of which there are very few so far.
Maybe it was Rodman in the Beast?
Please look up the word "ideal" (as a noun) and compare the definition to that of "idea." They are not the same thing at all.
Yeah, the name of the tour struck me the same way. They are on the run like so many others of their ilk. It's like a rock has been lifted up and we're watching all the bugs go scrambling for cover.
But I say the tide is turning because they're not "cool" anymore in popular culture which is highly significant, imo. Just like BC isn't cool anymore. It's a beautiful thing to watch these creeps fall from their pedestals.