Anonymous ID: 2ce123 Aug. 8, 2022, 9:52 p.m. No.17291726   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If you are still framing the changes on Earth in a strictly political context, you're always going to be missing a level of understanding.


"Expand your thinking" doesn't just involve expanding what you think regarding the machinations of mainstream lies and political theatre, it also means to consider the aspects of our reality which stretch beyond those (quite obviously, now) collapsing institutions.


If you pin your reality on the systems of control which have no place in a New World, you'll no doubt only see the destruction. You'll see a world collapsing, and not what said destruction is clearing room for.


Then, of course, you will have those inexorably tied to those collapsing institutions continue to try and instill fear (reclaim control over people on their way out) by proclaiming that the space being made is for the WHOLE NEW LEVEL OF EVIL, but does the bark match the bite? Only if you:

>pin your reality on the systems of control which have no place in a New World


Do you align with the Light of possibility? Or the fear-based programming of which we've always been subjected? The choice is yours.

Anonymous ID: 2ce123 Aug. 8, 2022, 9:53 p.m. No.17291895   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Pervert Pride is all it is.

People Parading their Perversions.

They don't want to be left alone.

They want you to embrace their perversions and to become like them.

They want to Drag everyone else down into their Pit of Depravity.

They are like Satan.