Anonymous ID: 696889 Aug. 8, 2022, 10:19 p.m. No.17296078   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks Baker


Anons have started a whole new wave of enthusiasts.


APES (All Persons Equal on Wall Street) are bankrupting the Cabal Bag Men (Hedge Funds) by using a dollar to make them spend 3000 dollars to counter it.


Never underestimate your outreach anons. Just ask Wall Street. They've had enough of the 'anon template' and they haven't even gotten the heavy dose that will knock them out yet.


Time + Patience + Anons = total capitulation of the Cabal. They have the money but we have the numbers and soon we will have the money as well.


Morality breeds faith. We have to draw a line and start living a good life steeped in morality. 100% that will beat these crooked bastards faster than any other strategy. AMC done the right way. DWAC (TS) done the right way. Buy, hold, and force capitulation. We're not destroying Hollywood or Wall Street. We're forcing them to play the game straight up.


In fact that's a laugh. Anons throwing good shit away with the bad? Homey don't think so. Not on our watch. We're going to make Hollywood and Wall Street work for us in a way that greatly benefits We, the People and the US Constitution. We, the People, will have our way.

Anonymous ID: 696889 Aug. 8, 2022, 10:20 p.m. No.17296361   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This alone makes it very disturbing when it comes down to the subject of the nazis in ukraine and their heavy influence into the politic and military of ukraine. I don't know if it isn't talked about because 'Most aren't even aware of that fact' or 'It's a silent Support'?


Okay okay. I'll try to catch you up to cliffhanger season one


99.999% of world events you're watching are not about ideology they are about Power, the people who want the power hop label from "seig heil" to "Comrade" and back again in the blink of an eye with no conscience, because they care about getting to the top, staying there, and pulling up the ladder. Ideals and ideology, they believe, is for fools, children who want comforting bedtime stories of absolute right and wrong, that's why they funnel Muslims (true believers) wherever they want to accomplish something. NO respect. Ordinary working class and middle class Jews are always ground up both sides, their own and people who hate them, I'm not going there. Look how femnists wre created then are being shit on now by trans, because trans are good for keeping society divided and creating chaos. But they needed to go through feminism to get to this stage.

If you try to understand world leaders (not anons and regular people) through the lens of ideals, like if they firmly believe in equality (like the millionaire Pelosi?Biliionaire soros?) or racial suprmacy, or anything else like that you'll be badly confused.

It's just cynical evil people, a lot of whom like to diddle kids, a lot of others want young blood and organs because they think they're too special to die and fear what awaits. There's a spiritual side too but I'm keeping it simple.

Do you know about the biolabs in Ukraine and the harvesting of genetics and trade in designer surrogacy there? That's what I mean, this is nothing to do with liberating muh spunky feisty little ukraine nor is it about nazism though the Azov useful idiots who fly the nato flag and swastika together dont know any better.