Rod Rosenstein;
Could this be why he continued to threaten from Canada"
"When I get back I will investigate the Congressional Committee which is demanding I turn over the Russian Collusion op documents"~ tp paraphrase.
They expected POTUS to be shot down and to have blamed it on Korea / China? Then they could all continue with the cover-up? And go on as business as usual?
Why else would he put himself in such an obvious position of compromise / "Obstruction of Justice" vis a vis the impending release of the report amid demands for records he has consistently refused to turn over to oversight?
>>1728925 (pb)
>Rod Rosenstein continues to block further work after the fully redacted report comes out.
Will that be possible? After that happens, won't his support system be untenable?
Don't you think by then his "bird would've flown?" Support will fly from him. All over. Fini. ?
(pb) sky moment
I wonder if POTUS will have witnesses present for his briefing by Rod Rosenstein on the heavily redacted OIG report coming out tomorrow? Wonder if Rod knows about the EO yet. Wonder when he arrives from Canada? Will he have time to peruse the report before tomorrow if he gets in late?