Amazing, there is no coincidence that this bread was named "Miracles Walk Among Us Edition" as another miracle was performed by God as I testified to His Light. My wife was debating me about scripture and I gave her a discourse in front of two other passengers that were waiting for the bus with us. They seemed interested by their expressions so I included them in the conversation by not only quoting scripture, interpreting the meanings, but then testifying to what Moses saw in great detail. My wife's understandings are mainly influenced by the church although she won't admit it. Nevertheless, the two passengers said they were Christians and seemed to agree with what I was saying by their surprised expressions they had on their faces; as when someone looks at something in a different way and things start to make more sense.
I was mainly telling them about Elijah, the two witnesses, John the Baptist, how only God can give Revelation, and how God's Light is real and appeared over my head. I told them, that I say these things and wish everyone in the world could experience this because then they would all turn away from evil. Mind you, that wouldn't stop them from fighting evil but from instigating evil.
I ask my wife to testify about the star pendant that seeped an oily resin last time I talked about Revelation(s), David, the Seven Churches, the two anointed witnesses, plus Remalia, Rezin, and Samaria. She gladly showed them this picture and at least one was convinced. As I faced all three, all of a sudden two black birds, flew on two of the bus stop signs behind me at each shoulder. They were less than 2 feet away and the signs were about six feet tall; so they were just above my eye level. The two passengers were amazed, and I asked the two birds if my testimony was true. With that they both pointed their heads downwards towards my face as if to get closer and both crowed several times as an acknowledgement looking directly into my eyes.
They all knew that this was a small miracle by the astonishment on their faces. I told them God did this for them, that they might believe, and to show them that they are worthy of signs. Then i said to all of them, didn't I just tell you about the disciples questioning about God's kingdom come. and what he said about evil wicked generations, no signs given, about Elijah coming first, and how they all did whatever they wanted when he came. Didn't I just mention the two anointed witnesses, Elijah and Moses? They agreed that was part of my discourse.
My wife then tried to explain about the two black birds that plucked out the eyes of the mocker that was on the cross. Once again, this understanding is of the church not by Revelation. Black birds represent souls waking up with new spiritual eyes from the darkness, go look up stories of them and magpies. I explained that one on the cross believed by faith and that the other will have to go through the darkness of the soul before his spiritual eyes can be opened. In other words, most will truly come to believe only after death but God has left us a way out, if we can just open our spiritual eyes now. I always testified to this: God gives Revelation as a gift in life and as Grace in death. Choose.