2 moar weeks.
Wages are always due:
Every interaction has a cost: some go free for now, some cost a little and pay as you go, and others demand a high price be paid immediately. Jealousy is their only weapon and is used to tool around. The pecking order dictates applied costs and in most cases subordinates will forgive debts only for either discrete returns or to be applied in the future towards one big purchase; the big "you owe me".
Even among anonymous social interactions this pecking game is played subconsciously. When logic and reasoning can't be matched, the threat to perceived value is jeopardized thus affecting the order of influence and control. The only two paths that can be taken, is either: mockery because the ability to construct logic and reasoning cannot be sustained and therefor one must ridicule in an attempt to lower the value in order to compete; or to make minor corrections in prose as to attack the message due to improper grammars and syntax thus invalidating all arguments.