This is a bit of a refresher for the autists, but the newfags and normies here need this. Way back to the very beginning. Everyone is familiar with the story of admiral rogers running over in person to trump tower to inform the Donald that he was being spied on. Several q posts even mentioned him. This is not by accident. There's a lot more to see here. Why is he so important? He was the head of NoSuchAgency. But that's not all. He's also a former navy admiral. Military servicemen are prohibited from domestic deployment and domestic spying. They are free to surveil anything abroad they wish as part of their jobs. Imagine their reaction when spying on the Chinese and they keep hearing and intercepting messages to and from US congressmen and senators, governors, diplomats, professors, AGs, and pretty much the entire SES. What do you do as a career move? You get in charge of the NSA after retiring, that's what. Now you can legally follow those names you know were up to betraying their country, and start mapping their contacts, associates, minions, go-betweens, and fellow domestic traitors. That's great, but knowledge alone isn't everything. When he went to trump tower, he was with the president- elect. Trump was at that point clear to be briefed on the level of corruption he discovered. Once trump was inaugurated, operations against foreign targets/personnel/tunnels/structures began almost immediately. But to deal with the domestic side of things, they laid a trap. It was the EO 13848 about foreign election interference. It was signed 9/12/2018, two months before the 18 midterms. They knew long before that point that the elections were being tampered with, but they lacked the teeth to really go after or stop the perpetrators. Now they had it. We waited for big overt actions after 2020 was stolen - but we never saw it go big. There's a reason: it went hot after 2018, the public just wasn't informed about it. But what else happened in between? The q posts. These set the DS into a tizzy, they deployed every asset in the media (and plenty of them here) to discredit the source and the public trying to read the cryptic messages. Have we noticed time and time again times, posts, and people's social media line up in a way that could not mathematically just be coincidence? Yes. But you're missing the point. Q is a psyop. There were psyops in WWII also. Who were they primarily targeting? The enemy. We, the anons, are not and were not the primary recipients of the psyop. What was it all about? There was a q post here long ago about chess and forcing the queen to move. That's what it's all about. As mil has rounded up level upon level of criminals, to keep the evil alive, more and more hidden players are forced to get their hands dirty. There's usually 3-4 degrees of separation between wet workers and political people. Take away the minions, and the higher ups have to get involved. They have to go between with the foreign agents themselves. They start handling and directing antifa personally. Oh, you probably forgot about antifa. Bidan sure forgot to rescind that EO as well, another coincidence I'm sure. So if they didn't get involved with China directly, they're organizing riots for a terrorist organization, on behalf of a foreign power. 2020 emboldened the criminals to act like the cat had gone, and they can now play. That's when they wander into the trap, and bang! It slams shut. They're still dancing like Israelis on 9/11, that the FIB raided trumps property. Think they realized it was a trap, when they found nothing in the safe? I guarantee there are 3-4 simultaneous surveillance systems in place in those offices. I guarantee every last word and action is recorded. Desperate people do desperate things. They make mistakes. And the person who knew what mistake they were going to make, knows how to capitalize on it. DC has been a ghost town. Think any of those empty offices got bugs planted in them now? What do you think will be caught on video after 87000 new agents start breaking every law they face? Where do you want your enemy? Right where you can see exactly what they're up to. When will the final curtain call happen? The hero is always victorious right after he appears totally defeated, at that last possible second. The precipice. We were told we were watching a movie. Hope you like popcorn, mine has extra butter.