Anonymous ID: b6cfb2 Aug. 17, 2022, 4:50 p.m. No.17408791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8800


Another point of view. Includes interesting


"Alright. I lied. Russia is not on the ropes. But that is not keeping the media presstitutes from trying to do their part as 21st Century Clothos. They are the masters of creating and directing the narrative, which is predetermined in their mythological world. Ukraine wins and Russia loses. Real simple."


"What is worse than putting lipstick on a pig? Putting lipstick on a corpse. On the very day that the NY Times “reports” that Russia is struggling to advance, Russia took the town of Pesky, which sits at a key junction west of Donetsk. Having secured control of Pesky, the Russians are in a much stronger position to take all Ukrainian territory up to the Dnieper River."

Article includes info from front line Ukranian troops…