We should probably take him more literally at times, eh?
>Are we really filtering the population
I do wonder this sometimes…like, who's actually dying here? Even people complaining how sick the latest Covid strain has supposedly made them. I'm not vaxxed, just had it like 2 weeks ago, felt shitty with fever and a headache for 2 days because I was lazy and just did the vitamins without the horse paste. None of this, "sick as a dog, can't breathe for weeks" routine. Was even thinking, do these fools have some sort of genetic/mental issue that we aren't allowed to know about? POTUS have a reason for pushing the vaxx that he can't possibly say aloud? Is it straight-up eugenics to get rid of some sheep? Because don't tell me sheep aren't more dangerous than wolves at times. But…it's kind of unspeakable to say you're culling stupid people so all humans don't die at the hands of literal demons or somehing.
She likes to play all sides, clearly.
Please say that louder for some of the namefags on Truth.