layers within layers. set up an "exercise" and play with transponder signals so the missile takes out the 747 that was supposedly carrying paper bonds that needed to be destroyed or nukular nosecones bound for the middle east that needed stopping or stealing, depending who you ask.
es verdad, es muy verdad. an historical.
most famous double agent of all time
"but sir, it's olga"
fbi schooled by trump informant
only god can hit with a one iron sir.
sometimes the kek makes me cry
ten thousand monkeys putting pepes into dall-e but the forensic analysis always shows a (s)mockingbird
bonus points for that pepe b/w the original yellow seed meme, if you were here.
chyna radio girls next please, over.
something cheaper and more potent than fluoride?
can some anon "appropriate" some for an analysis? or is there any other paper trail?
friends close enemies closer
work for the trump org, get stung.
was it ever any clearer
not saying it's bad; am here every day as volunteer.
but dudes, every infiltrator gets systematically removed, like an insect or a rodent.
if i were in charge i'd have the national guard running every water source.
a corporation has to tell the truth and only the truth, but not the whole truth. lies by omission apparently allowed in commerce.
>? Is Mary Cheney's wife her Aunt?
that's a man baby? are they reproducing? what traits will they re-inforce?
We also know they have been on a multi-generational year project to undermine democracy, rule of law and freedom of the press in order to replace Graeco/Roman/Anglo-Saxon democracy and rule of law with Babylonian totalitarianism. The flaw in their plan was their failure to take full control of the meritocratically staffed military and intelligence agencies of the West. This is reflected in a fight between Roman influenced military establishment and the Babylonian/Egyptian financial/medical establishment.
"learn to code" ???
>That's why this board is so important?
what is this juan osavin bullshit where they don't show his face>
IG Farben and/or corporate america such as IBM, Ford, et al.
>>17411527 Is there a connection between the death of Anne Heche and the deaths of Congresswoman Jackie Walorski?
notable uncertainty worthy of dig